Enjoying being at home

Posted on September 5, 2011 by William 10 Comments

Sorry that it’s been several days without an update… I know you won’t believe it but we’ve been pretty busy. This having a kid thing is pretty time consuming. Who knew?

Let’s see… Evan sleeps really well. So far the nights have been pretty good, he’s been sleeping for 6+ hours at night but we have to feed him in between so we’ve been putting it down his NG tube while he sleeps (2AM feeding). The tube is actually pretty handy. I mean, of course I want it off of his face, but it has it’s advantages. 1) he always takes his entire feed whether he’s awake or not 2) having a problem getting him to burp? nope, you can syringe excess gas right out of his stomach, 3)wonder how well he’s digesting his food, you can pull up what’s left, if anything before a feed to see what’s left from the prior feed, 4) doesn’t like the taste or doesn’t want to take oral medicine? (see video), just put it down the tube.

Follow up care for Evan will be handled by doctors here in Kalamazoo. Evan’s first appointment with the pediatrician was Saturday morning. It was very basic, they just did the normal measurements, weight, listen to lungs, and heart and we filled out a ton of paperwork. The doctor admitted that she was late because she was reading all of the doctor’s notes from U of M. Uh ya…lot’s to read. We have another appointment in a couple weeks. Additionally, we have a cardiologist here in Kalamazoo and U of M set us up with several visits with a home care nurse as well. Her first visit was Sunday morning. The home care nurse comes every couple weeks to check on Evan’s progress. I’m looking forward to seeing the cardiologist, it was her that correctly diagnosed Evan and got the ball rolling way back in March. Look at him now.

Evan got his first real bath tonight. We’ve still got to get a countertop tub for him, but tonight we put him in the bathtub with a baby bath sponge thing. Turning the shower down to a trickle he really seemed to like the whole thing. He’s such a good baby.

We have two small dogs, Molly and Maggie. While we were in Ann Arbor various friends watched them for us and we’re very grateful. The dogs came back to the house Friday afternoon and have been great around Evan. They leave him alone and surprisingly do not seem to be interested in him at all. We’ve managed to coax them into smelling him but they really don’t seem to care.

Here are a couple videos from the past couple days and also some photos.


Evan finds his thumb from William Wood on Vimeo.

This is the first time that Evan really found his thumb and latched onto it. We put him on his belly for tummy time and he was not real happy about it but once he found his thumb it was just fine.


Yucky medicine from William Wood on Vimeo.

Evan likes most of his medicines, apparently not this one. Poor guy.