Medical Summary

This page is a summary of the major medical events that the little guy has gone through thus far.


February 22, 2011: CHD detected in utero @ 19 weeks

March 29, 2011: Diagnosed with fetal echocardiogram @ 24 weeks with Tricuspid Atresia with levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries (TA/l-TGA), ASD, VSD

July 21, 2011: Delivered at full term weighing 8 lb 6.4 oz.  Hospitalized for 6 weeks.

Principle diagnosis:

  1. Transposition of the great arteries
  2. Tricuspid atresia
  3. VSD (non-restrictive, moderate-to-large when born)
  4. ASD (moderate size when born)
  5. L-loop transposition of great arteries

Secondary diagnosis:

  1. Acute diastolic congestive heart failure pulmonary edema on CXR, on diuretics
  2. Oral phase dysphagia requiring tube feeding

July 28, 2011: Norwood procedure by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch

  1. Damus-Kaye-Stansel connection (DKS)
  2. 3.5mm modified Blalock-Taussig (BT) shunt
  3. Atrial septectomy
  4. Placement of intracardiac broviac


  1. Complete heart block (3rd degree AV, pacemaker implementation by Dr. Eric Devaney Aug 12, 2011)
  2. Stroke, left hemispheric, embolic (August 15, 2011)
  3. Seizures, due to stroke

November 11, 2011: Laproscopic gastrostomy tube placement by Dr. Mark Downing.

January 3, 2012: Hemi-Fontan procedure by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch.  Hospitalized for 6 days.

  1. Patch augmentation of left pulmonary artery
  2. Takedown of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
  3. Placement of GORETEX sheet to simplify future entries (scar tissue)

January 19, 2012: Diagnosed with chylothorax. Chest tube placed to drain at Bronson Methodist Hospital. Hospitalized for 5 days and discharged on oxygen support.

January 31, 2012: Large lump appeared on chest.  Admitted to Mott and hospitalized 24 days.  Diagnosed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa chest infection.  Wound vac and antibiotics used for treatment.

August 3, 2012: Admitted to Mott after pacemaker transmission revealed failure to pace heart.  Hospitalized 31 days.  Discharged from the hospital without a pacemaker. Continuing IV antibiotics at home through the PICC. Sent home with heart rate monitor and Blackberry through LifeWatch

  • August 8, 2012: Pacemaker and leads replaced by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch.  Infection discovered within pacemaker pocket and chest cavity.
  • August 15, 2012: Pacemaker, leads, and GORETEX removed by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch



September 24, 2012: Pacemaker replaced by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch

  • New ‘dual lead’ pacemaker placed. New location to avoid any remaining infection at old site.
  • Pacemaker mode: DDD (Dual chambers paced, Dual chambers sensed, Dual response)
  • Antibiotics continued 2 weeks post op.

October 1, 2012: Discharged from U of M

  • IV antibiotics continue at home, 1 week.

March 7, 2013: Received blood allergy result which show a “highly positive” reaction to cow’s milk

May 13, 2013: G-tube removal and replacement (new location) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Discharged the following day.

September 11, 2014: Fontan operation performed by Dr. Jennifer Hirsch-Romano