Our Journey

Although a pregnancy can progress without any indications of an abnormality, we feel extraordinarily grateful to have been diagnosed in utero.  It will give us time to research and prepare as much as possible for the birth of our son and his upcoming surgeries.  Here is our journey so far…

February 22, 2011 – 19 weeks:  We had an ultrasound to check on the baby’s development.  At our hospital, Bronson  Methodist, it is common to gather certain routine images of the heart, in particular a 4-chamber view.  Our ultrasound tech passed on information to  our OB/GYN who suggested we receive a second ultrasound because there may have been a deformity or the images of the heart they received were at a funny angle.  Our OB thought it might be HLHS.

February 28, 2011 – 20 weeks: Our follow-up ultrasound confirmed a CHD, with the radiologist also suggesting HLHS.  We were told we would be transferred to the high-risk facility and we would be scheduled for an echocardiogram.

March 9, 2011 – 21 weeks: Our first meeting with our new high-risk doctor at Maternal-Fetal medicine.  Another ultrasound.  Upon evaluation by our doctor, he stated that he believed the aorta was the same size as the pulmonary artery.  With no narrowing of the aorta, HLHS was not necessarily believed to be the condition but rather another single ventricle defect.

March 29, 2011 – 24 weeks: Our first echocardiogram and introduction to our cardiologist at Bronson.  The process was very similar to an ultrasound but with extra attention paid to the heart and with a specialist, a cardiologist, reviewing the images.  The cardiologist suggested Tricuspid Atresia with L-TGA.  We were referred to the University of Michigan C. Mott Children’s Hospital.

April 12, 2011 – 26 weeks: Our second meeting with our high-risk doctor @ Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM).  Details here.

April 25, 2011 – 28 weeks: Glucose test.  Yay for no diabetes!

April 28, 2011 – 28 weeks: Our first visit to Ann Arbor.  We learned a lot.  Confirmed diagnosis of TA/L-TGA.  Check out the details here.

May 10, 2011 – 30 weeks: Routine appointment and ultrasound @ MFM.  Suspected some atypical growth of the brain ventricles.  From this point on we have weekly ultrasounds due to being special.  Details of the appointment are here.

May 17, 2011 – 31 weeks: Routine biophysical ultrasound (just checking for overall growth and development, no measurements).  Brain ventricles still appear pronounced but does not look as exaggerated as before.

May 26, 2011 – 32 weeks: Routine biophysical ultrasound.  First fetal non-stress test.  Brain ventricles look pronounced but measure normal.  Read more here.