Summer Plans and Counting

Posted on May 13, 2014 by William 7 Comments

There isn’t a lot new going on with Evan but I wanted to make a quick post of pictures and this video of him counting to 14. Sarah and I were both pretty surprised the first time he did it, it’s not something that either of us were actively working on. It just goes to show how easily kids can pick up things.

One thing that is new is that we met with a dietitian and they suggested that we stop his 2 daytime feedings, leaving only the two that he gets at night. The rest of his calories we would try to actually feed him! He is doing much better with real food but I’m afraid that he’s not ready for quite this dramatic of a change. He does much better for the therapist than he does for us. On Monday for example, he ate 1.5 chicken nuggets, 1/4 cup of peach oatmeal and a 1/4 cup of applesauce. That’s not bad, but it’s far from the 9 ounces that he gets through the tube. Hopefully this will give him more of an appetite and he will want to eat more. Wish us luck!
Enjoy the video and the pictures…