Surgery is scheduled

Posted on March 25, 2014 by Sarah 6 Comments

IMG_1471-001From the last post, we had a cardiology appointment that went really well but that ended with our doctor letting UofM know we are ready for the Fontan.  Ready is a funny concept. All that echos in my head is our surgeon saying how complicated it will be, how instead of booking the OR for a 1/2 day she thinks she will need a full day, how she told us she’s never really seen anything like Evan’s chest before… I get anxious just thinking about it.

We have always been warned that spring is Fontan season, arriving just after cold and flu but just before the glory days of summer.  Except for us, it will be a Fontan Fall because Evan’s surgery is scheduled for September 11.

They originally called and told us July 24 which gave me a bunch of ??? in my head.  I wasn’t expecting that at all.  They wanted to do pre-op stuff the day after his 3rd birthday.  I told them no, we aren’t spending another summer in the hospital, and especially after his birthday.  If it can’t be soon, have it in the fall.

I am a little annoyed.  I wish we could just get it over with.  I hate having it looming over us.  I am happy we will have a pain-free summer to do whatever we want.  We’ve been purposely delaying some therapies and other things like potty training thinking he is going to be laid up soon.  Evidently we shouldn’t have listened to anyone and moved ahead with our plans. So now we are going to be aggressive with Evan and hopefully we’ll be able to make a lot of progress with him before September.  He is already turning into a little boy.  We can no longer call him Buddy or Bubba or even Evy.  He will correct us and say, “No, Evan.”  He is also extremely polite and will tell us Thank You (or as it sounds – deet doo) all the time.

Anyway, enough with the talk.  Here’s some cuteness to end the post.