First day home… here we go…

Posted on January 10, 2012 by Sarah 2 Comments

The day started off a tid bit questionable as Evan woke up at 7 screaming and was  quite grumpy for the next couple hours.  I was worried that he would be saucy all day but that quickly went away and he was his charming, smiley self the rest of the day.  We had the visiting nurse come by as she heard of our discharge.  We looked for his chest tube suture that she is supposed to remove tomorrow but we couldn’t find it so maybe it fell out (?).  Evy’s skin is pretty beat up and we were finally able to take the nasty bandage off his fem line site so at least now the only bandages he has are his steri-strips on his big chest incision.  We need to give this stinker a bath.  Maybe tomorrow hahaha

The continuous feeds are going well, very well in fact.  We are using a kangaroo pump and they are terribly simple to use.  Although we do have to cart it around, it has a large battery so we can unplug it for a while without having to worry.  We need to use a new feed bag and tubing every day and other than that it is very low maintenance.  Hauling it to nana’s daily will be the biggest pain in the arse.  Evy has only been urpy a handful of times and those times are very mild spit up.  Nothing like the crazy barfing that he was doing before.  I am very happy we talked to UofM about his feeding. At least we know that doing things continuously will work for him.  Obviously we need to work on bolus feedings and that will start tomorrow.  We need to start out feeding him every 2 hours.  Yuck.  SO glad we have this week off so we can try to establish a feeding and med schedule.

  You mean to tell me this doesn’t look like fun?

We ended the day with Will’s family coming over and making delicious manicotti.  How great it is to have a home-cooked meal, particularly so because we are still under the weather.  Even better we were able to spend some more time with Heather, Jimmy, and Xander before they head back to Florida.  Who wouldn’t want to stay around for the big snow storm we are supposed to get?  Yeesh.