
Posted on January 3, 2012 by Sarah 11 Comments

I haven’t prayed much throughout everything.  I don’t know why that is.  Well, I do know why but some things should stay personal.  I cannot thank everyone enough for all of their prayers, wishes, thoughts, vibes, everything positive.  Right now I do need to pray several prayers.  I am a very worried mother and I’m sure I will be for the rest of my life.  Please join me in prayer, however you pray.  I need to meditate on these words and this will help ease my mind to get a few hours of shuteye…

Dear God, please guide the surgeons, nurses, assistants, and specialists.  Guide their hands, heads, and hearts.

Dear God, please don’t let tonight be the last time I tuck my son in to bed.  Please don’t take him from us.

Dear God, please give Evan back to us just as happy and full of smiles.  I want my happy baby boy back.

Dear God, please don’t let this weekend be the last time Evan hangs out with his baby friends.  Let them grow up together as children.

Dear God, please give Evan a full nights rest so he will be in the best form to go into surgery tomorrow.

Dear God, please allow this hospitalization and procedure to go without complications.  Please cut Evan a break.  I will gladly take it if you can spare him.

Dear God, please fill my heart with patience and understanding when people tell me, “Everything will be ok.”  Please quiet my tongue from saying, “So then do you want to change places with me” and know that they just don’t know anything else to say.  What do you say?

Dear God, please lift the load of worry from my heart and let me release in my trust into you.

Dear God, please help Evan’s father just as much as me.  Provide comfort to extended family and friends as well.