Day of tears and reflection

Posted on April 25, 2011 by Sarah 1 Comment

Today started out rough.  Not because of anything with baby boy.  He is doing great.  The appointment this morning was great.  Easter was great.  Even the weather decided to cooperate lately.  But today started off with sadness as we learned that another baby earned her angel wings.  The CHD community is so open and supportive even though we don’t know these people personally.  Olivia was born December 23rd with HLHS – different from Evan but similarly complicated.  You can read her story and blog here.  Warning – you will cry.  Never take a kick, cry, or sleepless night for granted!  Why God needs to take a tiny baby, I don’t know.   But He knows more than me and there must be some other reason I cannot understand.

In reading the other CHD blogs, you  run across the same things.  I like this story in particular:

It’s a beautiful day up in heaven. Jesus is rounding up his tiniest angels, to go live on earth, and be born.

One of the sweetest angels says to Jesus “I don’t want to leave, I like it here, and I will miss you”.

He reassures the scared little angel that everything will be okay, and that she is just going for a visit. She is still not swayed on this idea. So Jesus kneels down, and says, “How about if you leave half of your heart here with me and take the other half with you, will that be okay?”

The angel smiles and says, “I guess that will work”. But the little angel is still a little scared. She asks, “Will I be okay with only half of my heart?” Jesus replies, “Of course you will, I have other angels there that will help out, and you will be fine.”

Then Jesus gives the angel more details about his plan. He says, “When you are born, your mommy will be scared, so you have to be strong, and when you feel weak just remember that I have the other half of your heart. Enjoy your time with your family, play and laugh everyday. And when its time to come back to heaven, I will make your heart whole again. Always remember that you are not broken, just torn between two loves.”

-Author Unknown