Baby Tricky

Posted on March 28, 2011 by Sarah 1 Comment

When my sister was pregnant with her son, she nicknamed him Baby Tricky because anytime one went to touch her belly, he would stop moving completely.  Tricky indeed.  Well, Baby Tricky is strong in Evan too.  Our first ultrasound (the “normal” one) we were delighted to be able to learn he is a he.  During the following ultrasound (the let’s-check-on-this-maybe-it-was-an-angle-issue one), the tech tried to confirm that we were having a little boy.  Of course, Baby Tricky was tired of all the foolery looking at him and discretely tucked his little legs under his bottom and wouldn’t let anyone see anything.  Ok fine.  Our third ultrasound (the welcome-to-the-high-risk-club one) the tech changed wands (?) and took 4D ultrasound images of Baby Tricky.  We never had anyone offer to do so before nor anticipated getting one ever (personally I think they can kinda look crazy but hey it’s worth a shot.)  Baby T. was so over everything by now that he literally had his arms in front of his face, forming an X.  Like we were paparazzi and were invading his private space.  He had never done that before, so it was odd to see him in that type of position.  Needless to say we don’t have a proud 4D ultrasound pic of our little guy, and maybe he is just waiting to surprise us.

 Whatever the case may be, Baby Tricky, I hope we can get some good cooperation tomorrow.  We have our first Fetal Echocardiogram appointment, and we are under the assumption that we’ll be able to learn a lot more diagnostically about Evan’s heart and how well it has otherwise formed and functions.  Please be a brave little boy and let us all take a look at your tiny heart (I think it’s the size of a grape).  We all just want to make sure we are doing the right things for you, and we’ll leave you to your privacy when we are all done (by privacy I mean you can return to playing soccer with my colon, so long as I don’t squish you with my pants).

 I’ll also see if we can’t get take-home pictures for us to have so we can share with everyone.  I know for Will and I, we didn’t fully understand what things are supposed to look like until we could see the comparison of Evan’s heart to that of a fully-developed one.  Here’s to hoping for some good news!!