Norwood 2 year anniversary

Posted on July 28, 2013 by Sarah 1 Comment

The Norwood.  The first in a series of 3 surgeries for single ventricle kids, it is the most dangerous and complicated.  Often it occurs within days of new life and it catapults you firmly into the world of complex cardiac heart defects.  Never before will a body be so pure or untouched pre-Norwood.  After, it is like driving up a mountain wearing a blindfold – never knowing what is ahead or where exactly to turn but always very much aware of being constantly surrounded by the fear of death.  I would never wish this moment of time on anyone.

Evan’s Norwood hospital stay lasted 6 weeks (technically I suppose it was 5 weeks considering they waited until he was 1 week old to operate).  I make a concerted  effort to kiss his scars and rub his chest in the hopes that he will grow up not ashamed or uncomfortable with his appearance.  But in that week I did soak up that time that I knew would be precious with my unadulterated baby before his body would become a collector of scars.  Evan came through the Norwood in complete heart block necessitating a pacemaker, survived with no ill lasting effects from his stroke, and it  was over a year before we realized he lost his thymus in the process.  I am so, so proud of him and all of the other little babies that fight for their lives.

We’ve come so far!

norwood 2 yr


Here are some other pictures of the day.  Hope others lost in the Norwood fog can see that it can, truly, get better.