Picky eater?

Posted on April 7, 2013 by Sarah 3 Comments

Since figuring out Evan is allergic to cow’s milk and switching his formula, he has done remarkably well.  He hasn’t had any issues with puking and his oral motor skills have improved greatly in just a month.  He has even been asking for food and seems incredibly interested.  This past week was a bit of a setback.  Not sure just why, but he doesn’t really want to eat anymore.  He is incredibly whiny about everything, but regarding food he is back to covering his mouth whenever it is offered.  Sometimes he eats well but most of the time he takes issue with it.  I’m sure it is all part of the process but it does make us think a little bit – considering he doesn’t have the typical symptoms when ill or infected – it does make us take note. Maybe he is teething?  Maybe he is just testing  us the way toddlers do?

Today for lunch, he didn’t want anything to do with the “crunchy” part of his meal – puffs.  He really didn’t want any of his puree either but I got him to eat about 3oz by offering to play with his puffs as a reward.  Here he is looking incredibly serious and pitiful.

Trying one reluctant bite for mama

1 bite 450

It got all sticky and he wanted to give it back to me

2 take it back 450

Then he decided to just play with it instead

3 discovery 450

In the bowl, out the bowl, in the bowl, out the bowl…

4 sorting 450

An easy reward for a reluctant eater

5 pick 450


6 peek 450

The socks tell the truth

7 details 450

Can you hear him say “ba ba ba ba”

8 ba 450

Over  it

9 done_450