Setbacks… but a handsome setback

Posted on February 12, 2012 by Sarah 6 Comments

The other day I put Evy in an outfit that I’m pretty sure Daddy has in his size too, complete with BabyLegs and all.  We went out for a little walk and everyone commented on how handsome he is.  They’re right.  Evy was a little fussy    but required no more than a few extra cuddle sessions.  Mama even had him sleep on her chest, which if you know Evan does not happen.  Let me tell you, the view is pretty incredible.  Anyway, during his evening dressing change, his wound looked especially creamy.  It even gurgled like a tiny volcano when he squeezed his pecs.  Kinda like some cheesy yogurt?  Gross  I know.  Well, if you don’t want to see the pic, skip that one in the gallery.

Anyway, it looked a little too juicy.  So this morning the NPs looked at it and decided to put the wound vac back on.  They were thinking the bacteria had recolonized.  They are going to decide on a treatment course in the morning, but considering that he won’t get his vac changed until Wednesday and that was the day we were thinking we were going home, it might be a little while longer.  They aren’t going to colonize whatever the bacteria is because the wound has been open, exposed, and contaminated for days.  So whatever they culture may not be an accurate representation of the infection.  Plus if they culture say  Staph (Staphylococcus is normally   found on your skin so chances are it would be in the wound now) then they will be legally obligated to now treat Staph.  I guess they are just going to work under the assumption that it is the same bug.  Using the wound vac is an imperfect science and sometimes you need to put it on again.  He doesn’t have any fevers or any redness so they don’t think it is any resistance either.  Just need to give it some more time.